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Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 37(2): e00037220, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153701


El acoso laboral ha adquirido relevancia en las últimas décadas, debido a su creciente magnitud y consecuencias negativas en la salud de los trabajadores, existiendo diversos enfoques para estudiarlo. Sin embargo, hasta la fecha en América Latina la evidencia es escasa y focalizada en muestras específicas. El objetivo de este estudio es describir el acoso laboral y su asociación con la salud mental en población asalariada y determinar en qué medida la asociación se modifica según el género. Se realizó una encuesta a una muestra de 1.995 trabajadores y trabajadoras asalariadas de las tres principales áreas metropolitanas de Chile (Gran Santiago, Gran Valparaíso y Gran Concepción) seleccionados al azar en tres etapas (manzanas, viviendas e individuos). La prevalencia de síntomas depresivos, consumo de psicotrópicos y distrés fue de 10,9%, 12,8% y 13% respectivamente en la muestra total, y existe una fuerte asociación entre variables de salud mental y acoso laboral, aún en los modelos ajustados. Al comparar esta asociación en los modelos estratificados por género, no se observaron diferencias significativas entre hombres y mujeres.

Mobbing, or bullying in the workplace, has gained relevance in recent decades due to its growing magnitude and negative effects on workers' health. There are various approaches for studying the issue. However, thus far the evidence is scarce in Latin America and is focused on specific samples. This study aims to analyze workplace bullying and its association with mental health in the wage-earning population and to determine the extent to which this association is modified by gender. A survey was conducted with a sample of 1,995 male and female salaried workers in Chile's three main metropolitan areas (Greater Santiago, Greater Valparaíso, and Greater Concepción) with three-stage random selection (blocks, households, and individuals). Prevalence rates for depressive symptoms, use of psychotropic medication, and stress were 10.9%, 12.8%, and 13%, respectively, and there was a strong relationship between mental health variables and workplace bullying, which persisted in the adjusted models. When comparing this association in the models stratified by gender, no significant differences were observed between men and women.

O assédio moral no trabalho ganhou relevância nas últimas décadas devido à sua crescente magnitude e às consequências negativas sobre a saúde dos trabalhadores, sendo que existem diversos enfoques para estudá-la. Entretanto, na América Latina, as evidências são raras e focalizadas em amostras específicas. O objetivo deste estudo é descrever o assédio no trabalho e a sua relação com a saúde mental nos funcionários, para determinar em que medida a relação se altera conforme o gênero. A pesquisa envolveu uma amostra de 1995 trabalhadores e trabalhadoras formais das três principais regiões metropolitanas do Chile (Grande Santiago, Grande Valparaíso e Grande Concepción) selecionados ao acaso, em três etapas (quarteirão, unidades habitacionais e indivíduos). A prevalência de sintomas depressivos, consumo de psicotrópicos e distresse foi de 10,9%, 12,8% e 13% respectivamente, na amostra total, e existe uma forte relação entre variáveis de saúde mental e assédio moral no trabalho, ainda nos modelos ajustados. A comparação desta relação nos modelos estratificados por gênero não mostrou diferenças significativas entre homens e mulheres.

Humans , Male , Female , Mental Health , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Chile/epidemiology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Workplace
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 23: e200097, 2020. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1126032


RESUMO: Objetivo: Analisar fatores escolares, sociodemográficos, nutricionais e de percepção corporal e comportamental associados à vitimização por bullying entre estudantes brasileiros com idade de 13 a 17 anos. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal com base nos dados da amostra 2 da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar 2015. A amostra do presente estudo é composta de 10.699 adolescentes de escolas de cada grande região do país. Resultados: A prevalência de vitimização por bullying foi de 6,2%, com maiores chances de vitimização em adolescentes que praticam bullying (razão de chances - OR = 1,91, intervalo de confiança de 95% - IC95% 1,48 - 2,45), com idade de 13 anos (OR = 1,76, IC95% 1,04 - 2,97), que se consideram gordos (OR = 1,45, IC95% 1,06 - 1,98) e não são bem tratados na escola pelos colegas (OR = 2,78, IC95% 2,17 - 3,45). Conclusão: Esforços preventivos que incluam programas de incentivo ao maior suporte social entre os estudantes e a implementação de práticas que reforcem o respeito às diferenças e peculiaridades dos alunos podem contribuir para a redução da vitimização por bullying.

ABSTRACT: Objective: To analyze sociodemographic, school, nutritional, and behavioral factors and body perception associated with being bullied in Brazilian students aged 13 to 17 years old. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study based on data from sample 2 of the 2015 Brazilian School Health Survey. The sample for this study was composed of 10,699 teenagers from schools in each of the largest regions of Brazil. Results: The prevalence of being bullied was 6.2%, with the highest chance of in teens who bully others (OR = 1.91 95%CI 1.48 - 2.45), who are 13 years old (OR = 1.76, 95%CI 1.04 - 2.97), who consider themselves fat (OR = 1.45, 95%CI 1.06 - 1.98) and who are not treated well by their schoolmates (OR = 2.78, 95%CI 2.17 - 3.45). Conclusion: Preventive efforts that include programs to encourage greater social support among students, as well as the implementation of practices that encourage respect for students' differences and singularities can contribute to reducing bullying practices.

Humans , Adolescent , Students/psychology , Violence/statistics & numerical data , Crime Victims , Bullying/psychology , Schools , Students/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Bullying/statistics & numerical data
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; 23(supl.1): e200003.SUPL.1, 2020. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1126065


RESUMO: Objetivo: Descrever os fatores associados à violência intrafamiliar contra os adolescentes brasileiros. Métodos: Realizaram-se a análise descritiva das variáveis e o cálculo da prevalência da violência intrafamiliar relatada pelos estudantes, seguidos da regressão multinominal com cálculo da razão de chances ajustada para análise da associação entre as variáveis e o desfecho investigado. Resultados: A cor de pele preta (ORa = 1,9; IC95% 1,4 - 2,7) e parda (ORa = 1,4; IC95% 1,0 - 1,9), a insônia (ORa = 1,8; IC95% 1,4 - 2,4), o bullying (ORa = 2,5; IC95% 1,7 - 3,7) e o consumo de bebida alcoólica (ORa = 1,5; IC95% 1,1 - 1,9) aumentaram as chances dos adolescentes sofrerem um episódio de violência intrafamiliar. O bullying (ORa = 3,9; IC95% 2,8 - 5,3) e o consumo de bebida alcoólica (ORa = 2,2; IC95% 1,7 - 2,7) contribuíram com até quatro vezes mais no sofrer em mais de um episódio de violência intrafamiliar. Hábitos como fazer refeição com a família (ORa = 0,7; IC95% 0,5 - 1,0) e ter pais que entendem seus problemas (ORa = 0,6; IC95% 0,5 - 0,7) mostraram-se como fatores protetores para a violência intrafamiliar. Conclusão: A violência intrafamiliar contra o adolescente está relacionada às interações familiares, uso de substâncias psicoativas e à violência no ambiente escolar. Assim, revela a importância da participação de pais e responsáveis na prevenção da violência e dos comportamentos de risco na vida dos adolescentes brasileiros.

ABSTRACT: Objective: To describe the factors associated with domestic violence against Brazilian adolescents. Methodology: Descriptive analysis of the variables and calculation of the prevalence of intrafamily violence reported by the students was performed, followed by multinomial regression with calculation of the adjusted odds ratio to analyze the association between the variables and the outcome investigated. Results: Black skin color (ORa = 1.9; 95%CI 1.4 - 2.7) and brown (ORa = 1.4; 95%CI 1.0 - 1.9), insomnia (ORa = 1.8; 95%CI 1.4 - 2.4), bullying (ORa = 2.5; 95%CI 1.7 - 3.7) and alcohol consumption (ORa = 1.5; 95%CI 1.1 - 1.9) increased the chances of adolescents suffering an episode of intrafamily violence. Bullying (ORa = 3.9; 95%CI 2.8 - 5.3) and alcohol consumption (ORa = 2.2; 95%CI 1.7 - 2.7) contributed up to 4 times more not to suffer more than one episode of domestic violence. Habits such as eating with family (ORa = 0.7; 95%CI 0.5 - 1.0) and having parents who understand their problems (ORa = 0.6; 95%CI 0.5 - 0,7) proved to be protective factors for intrafamily violence. Conclusion: Intrafamily violence against adolescents is related to family interactions, psychoactive substance use and violence in the school environment. Thus, it reveals the importance of the participation of parents and guardians in the prevention of violence and risk behaviors in the lives of Brazilian adolescents.

Humans , Adolescent , Child Abuse/statistics & numerical data , Parent-Child Relations , Students/statistics & numerical data , Brazil/epidemiology , Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Protective Factors
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; 54: e03625, 2020. tab
Article in English, Spanish | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1136622


RESUMEN Objetivo Determinar la prevalencia del acoso escolar y sus factores determinantes en adolescentes escolarizados. Método Estudio de corte transversal analítico en una muestra de adolescentes provenientes de 20 instituciones educativas públicas de una ciudad de Colombia, seleccionados mediante un muestreo probabilístico polietápico. Se realizó regresión binomial simple y multivariable. Resultados Participaron 500 adolescentes. El 50,4% eran mujeres y 53,2% en adolescencia media. Predominó la violencia verbal (66,5%) seguida de física (32,0%) y por exclusión (30,6%). El 69,5% de los adolescentes fueron testigos, 35,8% víctimas y 14,2% agresores. El 80,5% de los agresores fueron víctimas de acoso escolar. En el análisis multivariable, se encontró asociación entre ser víctima y presentar alguna discapacidad (RP 2,4 IC 1,6-3,7), agresión verbal en el hogar (RP 1,7 IC 1,2-2,3) y consumo de droga (RP 1,7 IC 1,1-2,8). Asimismo, ser agresor se asoció con ser víctima (RP 7,2 IC 3,6-14,3) y consumo de alcohol (RP 2,2 IC 1,3-3,8). Conclusión La frecuencia de acoso escolar observada y los factores determinantes asociados, evidencian la persistencia de esta problemática en los adolescentes y la necesidad de desarrollar una cultura de convivencia adecuada e incluyente que trascienda el escenario escolar.

RESUMO Objetivo Determinar a prevalência do assédio escolar e seus fatores determinantes em adolescentes escolarizados. Método Estudo de corte transversal analítico em uma amostra de adolescentes oriundos de 20 estabelecimentos educacionais públicas de uma cidade da Colômbia, selecionados mediante uma amostragem probabilística polietápica. Uma regressão binomial simples e multivariável foi realizada no estudo. Resultados Participaram 500 adolescentes. 50,4% eram mulheres e 53.2% jovens em adolescência média. Predominou a violência verbal (66,5%) seguida da física (32,0%) e por exclusão (30,6%). 69,5% dos adolescentes foram testemunhas, 35,8% vítimas e 14,2% agressores. 80,5% dos agressores foram vítimas de assédio escolar. Na análise multivariável, verificou-se uma relação entre ser vítima e ter alguma deficiência (RP 2,4 IC 1,6-3,7), agressão verbal em casa (RP 1,7 IC 1,2-2,3) e consumo de droga (RP 1,7 IC 1,1-2,8). Igualmente, ser agressor foi associado com ser vítima (RP 7,2 IC 3,6-14,3) e consumo de álcool (RP 2,2 IC 1,3-3,8). Conclusão A frequência de assédio escolar observada e os fatores determinantes associados, evidenciam a persistência desta problemática nos adolescentes e a necessidade de desenvolver uma cultura de convivência adequada e influente além do âmbito escolar.

ABSTRACT Objective To determine the prevalence of bullying and its determinants among adolescents attending school. Method An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of adolescents, who were selected using a multistage probability sampling, from 20 public educational institutions in a Colombian city, in which a simple and multivariate binomial regression was carried out. Results A total of 500 adolescents participated from which 50.4% were women and 53.2% in their middle adolescence. Verbal violence prevailed in 66.5%, followed by physical violence in 32.0% and social bullying in 30.6%. 69.5% of the adolescents have been witnesses, 35.8% victims, and 14.2% aggressors. 80.5% of the aggressors were victims of bullying. In the multivariate analysis, an association was found between being a victim and having disabilities (PR:2.4; CI: 1.6-3.7), verbal aggression in the home (PR: 1.7; CI: 1.2-2.3) and drug abuse (PR: 1.7; CI 1.1-2.8). Being an aggressor was also associated with being a victim (PR: 7.2; CI 3.6-14.3) and alcohol abuse (PR: 2.2; CI: 1.3-3.8). Conclusion The frequency of bullying observed and the associated determinants demonstrate the persistence of this problem in adolescents and the need to develop a culture of appropriate and inclusive coexistence that goes beyond the school setting.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Prevalence , Adolescent , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Colombia , Adolescent Health
Horiz. enferm ; 31(1): 3-16, maio.2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1223713


Uno de los objetivos de la encuesta "Workplace Violence in the Health Sector" es investigar los factores que pueden contribuir a la violencia en el lugar de trabajo en el sector de salud en varios países del mundo para la toma de políticas públicas apropiadas. A pesar de que el inglés sea un idioma universal, en la práctica genera limitaciones para aplicarlo sobre todo en los países de América Latina. Esta investigación tiene como propósito validar el contenido, y constructo para que la encuesta se pueda aplicar en los países cuya lengua oficial es el español. Se emplearon las técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas para validar el instrumento, con la revisión de expertos se validó la semántica e idioma. A través del el Alpha de Cronbach de 0,96 se puede aseverar la confiabilidad de este para medir la violencia de trabajo en el sector de la salud de los países de habla hispana.

The purpose of the survey "Violence in the workplace in the health sector" is to obtain information on the factors that could contribute to the workplace violence in the health sector within different countries of the world. Collecting data on the problem is therefore important of the appropriate public policy making. Despite of English is considered widely the universal language, in practice it generates limitations to apply especially in Latin American countries. This research aims to validate the content, and construction for the survey to the application in countries where Spanish is an official language. Qualitative and quantitative techniques were used to validate the questionnaire; experts review validated the semantics and language construction. The global inventory (Cronbach's alpha = 0.96) indicated good reliability to measure the workplace violence in the health sector for Spanish-speaking countries.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Translating , Cross-Cultural Comparison , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Health Personnel , Workplace Violence , Public Policy , Sexual Harassment/statistics & numerical data , Ecuador , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Racism/statistics & numerical data , Physical Abuse/statistics & numerical data
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 20(4): 1117-1125, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155286


Abstract Objectives: to estimate the prevalence ofpeer victimization (VI-P) and to identify factors associated to it. Methods: a cross sectional study based on a state-representativesample; 2555 students from primary and secondary schools of Campeche, in the academic year 2015-2016 participated. They were interviewed face to face. VI-P was analyzed by sex, age and various school-related aspects with prevalence rate and 95% confidence interval. The analysis of interactions among the studied factors was carried out using a hierarchical log-lineal model. With the significant terms,a multiviarite analysis using a logistic model was performed. Based on this model, maximum and minimum predictive values for VI-P were calculated by odds inverse transformation. Results: the global prevalence of VI-P was 60.4% (CI95%= 58.6-62.3). The prevalence of violence physical, psycho-emotional, patrimonial, and sexual, were 28.8, 52.9, 26.5, and 8.7%, respectively. Students in the first year, who were male, had classes scheduled in the evening, attended a public school and resided in a municipality of high/highest margination index, had the highest probability (75.3%) of suffering VI-P. Conclusions: given the high levels of VI-P found, and its possible effects, it is necessary implement truly effective measures to prevent it.

Resumen Objetivos: estimar la prevalencia de la victimización por pares (VI-P) e identificar factores asociados. Métodos: se realizó un estudio transversal en una muestra representativa de las escuelas del estado de Campeche; se entrevistaron 2555 estudiantes de primaria y secundaria del ciclo escolar 2015-2016. Los alumnos fueron entrevistados cara a cara. Se analizó la tasa de prevalencia de VI-P según sexo, edad y varios aspectos relacionados con la escuela, con un intervalo de confianza de 95%. Las interacciones entre los factores estudiados se analizaron mediante un modelo jerárquico log-linear saturado. A partir de los términos que resultaron significativos, se realizó un análisis multivariado mediante un modelo logístico. Con base en este modelo, se calcularon los valores predictivos máximo y mínimo para la VI-P mediante la transformación inversa de probabilidades. Resultados: la prevalencia global de VI-P fue 60.4% (CI95%= 58.6-62.3). Las prevalencias de violencia física, psicoemocional, patrimonial y sexual fueron: 28.8, 52.9, 26.5 y 8.7%, respectivamente. Los estudiantes de primer grado, hombres, del turno vespertino, que asisten a una escuela pública, y de municipios con alto/muy alto índice de marginación, tuvieron la mayor prevalencia de VI-P (75.3%). Conclusiones: dados los altos niveles de VI-P encontrados, y considerando sus posibles efectos, es necesario implementar medidas realmente efectivas para prevenir este tipo de violencia.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Schools , Socioeconomic Factors , Students , Risk Factors , Crime Victims/statistics & numerical data , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Education, Primary and Secondary , Mexico/epidemiology
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 41(6): 518-529, Nov.-Dec. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055339


Objective: To analyze factors associated with the prevalence of maltreatment and bullying and to identify types of involvement (verbal, physical, social, sexual, cyberbullying) among high school students aged 15 to 19 years. Methods: A cross-sectional, school-based epidemiological survey was performed. The sample included 2,293 adolescents from public and private schools in the Greater Vitoria area (state of Espírito Santo, Brazil). A modified version of the Brazilian Portuguese Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire was used. Results: Among maltreatment behaviors, 43.3% of adolescents reported having been victims vs. 40.4% reporting to be aggressors. Among bullying behaviors, 41% reported victimization and 29.1% aggression. The most frequent types of bullying were verbal (victim = 33.8%, bully = 23.1%), social (victim = 21.8%, bully = 16.9%), and physical bullying (victim = 15.1%, bully = 8.7%). Of those reporting to be victims, 37.5% stated that they did not react as frequently as they were attacked. Almost half of the students (50.9%) identified themselves as victims, without practicing any type of aggression against another schoolmate. School network (public or private) and gender were significantly associated with victimization and aggression behaviors. Conclusion: The adolescents identified as victims did not generally attack other students, i.e., did not identify themselves as perpetrators. The high prevalence of maltreatment and bullying detected in this study, especially the verbal, social, and physical types, underscores the need for interventions addressing bullying in schools.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Students/statistics & numerical data , Crime Victims/statistics & numerical data , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Schools/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Students/psychology , Time Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Logistic Models , Pilot Projects , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Crime Victims/psychology , Bullying/psychology , Adverse Childhood Experiences/statistics & numerical data
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(4): 1359-1368, abr. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001772


Resumo O estudo analisou a prevalência de sofrer bullying e fatores associados em escolares brasileiros. Trata-se de análise da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE) 2015 em amostra nacional com 102.301 alunos do 9º ano. Foi calculada a prevalência de sofrer bullying e foi feita inicialmente análise bivariada com estimativas de razões de chance (OR) e IC95% para estimar as associações entre vitimização e variáveis sociodemográficas, contexto familiar, violência familiar, saúde mental e comportamentos de risco. Posteriormente, procedeu-se ao modelo de regressão logística múltipla, inserindo as variáveis de interesse com (p < 0,20). No modelo final ajustado (ORa) permaneceram variáveis com p < 0,05. A prevalência de bullying foi de 7,4%. A análise multivariada mostrou que quem tem maior chance de sofrer bullying são os escolares do sexo masculino, com 13 anos, da escola pública, filhos de mães sem escolaridade, que trabalham, com relato de solidão, sem amigos, com insônia; que sofreram agressão física dos familiares, faltaram as aulas sem avisar aos pais, usaram tabaco. Predominaram vítimas de 13 anos, com contexto social e familiar desfavorável, mostrando cenário de vulnerabilidades, demandando apoio de redes de proteção social, escolar e famíliar.

Abstract This study analyzed the prevalence of bullying and associated factors among Brazilian schoolchildren using data produced by the 2015 National School Health Survey (PeNSE, acronym in Portuguese) consisting of a national sample of 102,301 eighth grade students. The prevalence of bullying was calculated and bivariate analysis was performed using a 95% confidence level to determine the association between victimization and socio-demographic variables and other variables relating to family background, mental health, and risk behaviors. Multivariate analysis was then conducted using the biologically plausible variables of interest. For the final model, variables that obtained p-values of < 0.05 were maintained. The prevalence of bullying was found to be 7.4%. The results of the multivariate analysis showed that boys aged 13 years studying in public schools who worked and whose mother did not have any schooling were more likely to be bullied, as were schoolchildren who felt lonely, had no friends, suffered from insomnia, skipped lessons without parental permission, and who smoked. Victims of bullying were predominantly 13-year-olds from an unfavorable social and family background, painting a picture of vulnerability that calls for support from social protection networks, schools and families alike .

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Students/statistics & numerical data , Brazil/epidemiology , Crime Victims/statistics & numerical data , Vulnerable Populations/statistics & numerical data , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Risk-Taking , Schools , Socioeconomic Factors , Sex Factors , Prevalence , Health Surveys , Age Factors
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(4): 1287-1298, abr. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001774


Resumo O estudo analisa fatores associados à agressão familiar contra adolescentes. Foram utilizados dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde dos Escolares 2015 e calculada a prevalência de sofrer agressão física por familiar, segundo quatro blocos de investigação. Procedeu-se a análise bivariada, calculando-se os Odds Ratios (ORs) não ajustados e, por fim, foi realizada a regressão multivariada. A agressão familiar foi referida por 14,5%. Variáveis associadas no modelo mutivariado no bloco sociodemográfico foram: sexo feminino, raça cor preta, amarela, parda, mães sem nível superior de escolaridade, adolescente que trabalham (OR 2,10 IC95% 1,78-2,47). No contexto familiar: a falta de compreensão dos pais (OR 1,71 IC95% 1,63 -1,80) e a intromissão na privacidade dos adolescentes (OR 1,80 IC95% 1,70 -1,91). Relato de faltar às aulas (OR 1,43 IC95% 1,36-1,50). Dentre os comportamentos: tabagismo (OR 1,23 IC95% 1,12-1,34), álcool (OR 1,49 IC95% 1,41-1,57), experiência com drogas (OR 1,24 IC95% 1,15-1,33), relação sexual precoce (OR 1,40 IC95% 1,33 -1,48), relato de solidão, insônia e bullying (ORa 2,14 IC95% 2,00-2,30). Conclui-se pela associação entre violência e gênero, maior vitimização das meninas e adolescentes mais jovens, que vivem em contextos sociais e familiares desfavoráveis.

Abstract The study analyzes factors associated with family aggression against adolescents. Data from the National School Health Survey for 2015 were analyzed, and the prevalence of physical aggression per family was calculated according to four blocks. The bivariate analysis was performed, calculating the unadjusted Odds Ratio (OR) within each block and the multivariate regression. Familial aggression was reported by 14.5%. The variables associated with the model were: female, black, yellow, brown, mothers with no higher educational level, adolescent workers (OR 2.10 CI 95% 1.78-2.47). In the family context, they remained associated with aggression, lack of parents "understanding" (OR 1.71 CI95% 1.63 -1.80) and their intrusion into adolescent's privacy (OR 1.80 CI95% 1.70 -1, 91). Report of missing school (OR1.43 CI95% 1.36-1.50). Among the behaviors: smoking (OR 1.23 CI95% 1.12-1.34), alcohol (OR 1.49 CI95% 1.41-1.57), drug experience (OR 1.24 CI95% 1, 15-1,33), early sexual intercourse (OR 1.40 CI95% 1.33 -1.48), reports of loneliness, insomnia and bullying (ORa 2.14 CI95% 2.00-2.30). It is concluded by the association between violence and gender, greater victimization of girls, living in unfavorable social and family contexts.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adolescent Behavior , Crime Victims/statistics & numerical data , Aggression , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Schools , Brazil/epidemiology , Sex Factors , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Health Surveys , Domestic Violence/statistics & numerical data
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(2): 509-522, Feb. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-984207


Resumo O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar as implicações da violência entre pares no contexto escolar, do clima escolar e da percepção dos contextos de desenvolvimento no bem-estar subjetivo de crianças e adolescentes. A amostra é composta por 910 estudantes do 6º e 7º ano do ensino fundamental, de 27 escolas, públicas e privadas, urbanas e rurais do Ceará. Trata-se de um estudo transversal quantitativo que utilizou os instrumentos escala de vitimização e agressão entre pares e de clima escolar; três índices de percepção dos contextos de desenvolvimento (casa, escola, bairro); três escalas de bem-estar (satisfação com a vida para estudantes, índice de bem-estar pessoal e item único de satisfação com a vida) para coleta de dados. Os dados passaram por análise de variância multivariada com nível de significância não superior a 0,01. Os resultados indicam que a tipologia bullying, isoladamente ou em interação com as variáveis analisadas, é a que mais impacto exerce sobre o bem-estar da população estudada, sendo os envolvidos os que apresentam as menores médias de bem-estar. Níveis baixos de percepção dos contextos casa, escola, bairro, e do clima escolar, bem como estudar em escola pública e/ou morar em zona rural, estão igualmente associados a bem-estar subjetivo baixo.

Abstract The scope of this study is to analyze the implications of peer violence in the school context, the school environment and the perceived developmental contexts on the subjective well-being of children and adolescents. The sample is comprised of 910 students in Years 6 and 7 of primary school in 27 urban and rural public and private schools in Ceará. It is a quantitative cross-sectional study and the following tools were used: scales measuring victimization and aggression among peers and the school environment; three indices on perceptions of developmental contexts (home, school, neighborhood); and three well-being scales (Students' Life Satisfaction Scale, Personal Well-being Index and Single item on Overall Life Satisfaction). Data were analyzed using multivariate variance analysis, with a significance level below 0, 01. Results indicate that bullying, alone or in interaction with the variables analyzed, is the variable that has the greatest impact on the well-being of the population studied, whereby those involved in bullying have the lowest well-being averages. Low levels of perception regarding the contexts of home, school and neighborhood and the school environment, as well as attending a public school and/or living in rural areas, are all also associated with low subjective well-being.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Peer Group , Violence/statistics & numerical data , Crime Victims/statistics & numerical data , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Personal Satisfaction , Rural Population/statistics & numerical data , Schools/statistics & numerical data , Students/psychology , Students/statistics & numerical data , Urban Population/statistics & numerical data , Residence Characteristics , Cross-Sectional Studies , Aggression , Interpersonal Relations
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(2): 535-544, Feb. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-984209


Resumo O objetivo do estudo foi descrever e analisar fatores associados à violência sexual (VS) entre estudantes do ensino fundamental no Brasil. Analisaram-se dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE) em 2015. Calculou-se a prevalência de VS total e desagregada segundo variáveis sociodemográficas, contexto familiar, saúde mental, comportamentos de risco, segurança e prática de atividade física. Estimaram-se as razões de chances (Odds Ratios - OR) de sofrer VS segundo variáveis associadas estatisticamente (p < 0,05) por meio de análise multivariada. A prevalência de VS foi de 4,0%. A VS entre escolares esteve associada a características como idade < 13 anos, sexo feminino, cor da pele preta, trabalhar, ser agredido por familiares, ter insônia, sentir-se solitário, não possuir amigos, consumir tabaco/álcool regularmente, ter experimentado drogas, ter iniciado atividade sexual, sentir-se inseguro na escola ou no trajeto escola-casa, ter sofrido bullying. Estudar em escola privada, possuir mãe com escolaridade de nível superior, morar com os pais e ter supervisão de familiares foram fatores protetores em relação à VS. Foi possível identificar vulnerabilidades dos estudantes frente à VS, o que pode apoiar pesquisadores, profissionais e famílias na prevenção deste tipo de violência.

Abstract The objective of this study was to describe and analyze factors associated with sexual violence (SV) among primary school students in Brazil. Data from the National School Health Survey (PeNSE in Portuguese) in 2015 was analyzed. The prevalence of total and disaggregated SV was calculated according to variables such as sociodemographic data, family context, mental health, risk behaviors, safety, and physical activity. The Odds Ratios of suffering SV were estimated according to variables that were statistically associated (p < 0.05) by means of multivariate analysis. The prevalence of SV was 4.0%. SV among school-age adolescents was associated with characteristics such as: age of < 13 years old; female; black skin color; working; being assaulted by family members; having insomnia; feeling lonely; not having friends; consuming tobacco / alcohol regularly; having tried drugs; having started sexual activity; feeling insecure on the way to or at school; and having suffered bullying. Studying in a private school, having a mother with higher education, living with parents, and supervision by relatives were protective factors to SV. It was possible to identify students' vulnerabilities to SV, which can support researchers, professionals, and families in the prevention of this type of violence.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Schools , Sex Offenses/statistics & numerical data , Students/statistics & numerical data , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Parents , Risk-Taking , Sexual Behavior/statistics & numerical data , Brazil/epidemiology , Mental Health/statistics & numerical data , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Multivariate Analysis , Risk Factors , Health Surveys , Substance-Related Disorders/epidemiology , Protective Factors
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 28(2): e2018178, 2019. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012072


Objetivo: identificar a prática de bullying referida por estudantes brasileiros, segundo o sexo, a idade e a localização geográfica. Métodos: estudo transversal, estruturado em duas amostras nacionais da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE) de 2015; participaram do estudo 102.301 estudantes, amostra nacionalmente representativa; a coleta de dados ocorreu mediante questionário autoaplicável. Resultados: a prevalência de prática de bullying foi de 19,8% (IC95% - 19,2;20,3), com maior ocorrência na região Sudeste do país (22,2% - IC95% 21,1;23,4) e no estado de São Paulo (24,2% - IC95% 22,3;26,2), embora a cidade com maior prevalência tenha sido Boa Vista (25,5% - IC95% 22,9;28,1), capital do estado de Roraima; meninos (24,2% - IC95% 23,4;25,0) praticaram mais bullying que meninas (15,6% - IC95% 14,9;16,2), assim como os estudantes mais jovens, de 13 a 15 anos (22,0% - IC95% 20,4;23,6). Conclusão: observou-se maior prática referida de bullying por adolescentes da região Sudeste, indivíduos do sexo masculino, e entre os mais jovens.

Objetivo: identificar la práctica de acoso escolar por estudiantes brasileños, según sexo, edad y localización geográfica. Métodos: estudio transversal, estructurado en dos muestras nacionales de la Investigación Nacional de Salud del Escolar (PeNSE) de 2015; participaron del estudio 102.301 estudiantes, muestra nacionalmente representativa; la recolección de datos ocurrió mediante cuestionario autoaplicable. Resultados: la prevalencia de la práctica de acoso fue del 19,8% (IC95% 19,2;20,3), con mayor incidencia en la región Sudeste del país (22,2% - IC95% 21,1;23,4) y en el Estado de São Paulo (24,2% - IC95% 22,3;26,2), aunque la ciudad con mayor prevalencia fue Boa Vista (25,5% - IC95% 22,9;28,1), capital del Estado de Roraima; los niños (24,2% - IC95% 23,4;25,0) practicaron más acoso que las niñas (15,6% - IC95% 14,9;16,2), así como los estudiantes más jóvenes, de 13 a 15 años (22,0% - IC95% 20,4;23,6). Conclusión: se observó mayor práctica de acoso moral por adolescentes de la región Sudeste, de sexo masculino, y entre los más jóvenes.

Objective: to identify the practice of bullying reported by Brazilian students, according to sex, age and geographical location. Methods: this was a cross-sectional study based on two national samples from the National School Health Survey (PeNSE), 2015; a total of 102,301 students participated in the study forming a nationally representative sample; data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire. Results: bullying prevalence was 19.8% (95%CI - 19.2;20.3), with higher prevalence in the Southeast region of the country (22.2% - 95%CI 21.1;23.4), and in the State of São Paulo (24.2% - 95%CI 22.3;26.2), however the city with the highest prevalence was Boa Vista (25.5% - 95%CI 22.9;28.1), capital of the State of Roraima; boys (24.2% - 95%CI 23.4;25.0) practiced more bullying than girls (15.6% - 95%CI 14.9;16.2), as did younger students aged 13 to 15 years (22.0% - 95%CI 20.4;23.6). Conclusion: higher rates of reported bullying practices were found among adolescents from the Southeast region, among male and younger students.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , School Health Services , Student Health , Adolescent Health/statistics & numerical data , Aggression/psychology , Bullying/psychology , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Students/psychology , Violence/statistics & numerical data , Brazil/epidemiology , Health Research Agenda
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 35(11): e00195118, 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039407


Resumo: Objetivou-se analisar a tendência temporal de bullying verbal, a violência doméstica e o envolvimento em brigas com armas entre adolescentes, nas capitais brasileiras, entre 2009 e 2015. Fez-se estudo de tendência, com uso de dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE) realizada em 2009, 2012 e 2015, com escolares do 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental de escolas públicas e privadas nas 26 capitais do país e no Distrito Federal. Analisou-se a ocorrência de violência doméstica e de bullying verbal, bem como o envolvimento em brigas com uso de armas branca e de fogo nos 30 dias anteriores à entrevista. Realizou-se regressão logística ajustada para características sociodemográficas e comportamentais, com análise de cada tipo de violência no Brasil e nas capitais, segundo sexo. As tendências foram espacializadas. Para o conjunto das capitais, houve aumento, entre 2009 e 2015, de 12% (IC95%: 1,11-1,14) para violência doméstica, de 10% (IC95%: 1,08-1,11) para bullying verbal, de 7% (IC95%: 1,05-1,09) para envolvimento em brigas com armas de fogo e de 7% (IC95%: 1,05-1,08) para envolvimento em brigas com arma branca. Em todas as capitais, houve aumento na violência doméstica. Em 96,3%, 70,4% e 62,9% dessas cidades, observou-se aumento de bullying verbal, envolvimento em briga com arma branca e envolvimento em briga com arma de fogo, respectivamente. Nas demais capitais, observou-se tendência estacionária. Identificou-se tendência de aumento das violências na maioria das capitais, evidenciando a necessidade de implementação de políticas públicas que contribuam para minimizar esse problema entre os adolescentes.

Abstract: This study analyzes time trends in verbal bullying, domestic violence, and involvement in fights with firearms among adolescents in Brazilian state capitals from 2009 to 2015. The study of trends uses data from the Brazilian National Survey of School Health (PeNSE) in 2009, 2012, and 2015 among ninth-graders enrolled in public and private schools in the country's 26 state capitals and the Federal District. The analysis focused on domestic violence, verbal bullying, and involvement in fights with cold steel weapons and firearms in the 30 days prior to the interview. Logistic regression was performed, adjusted for sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics, with analysis of each type of violence in Brazil and in the capital cities, according to sex. The trends were spatialized. For the capital cities as a whole, from 2009 to 2015 there was an increase of 12% (95%CI: 1.11-1.14) in domestic violence, 10% (95%CI: 1.08-1.11) in verbal bullying, and 7% (95%CI: 1.05-1.09) and 7% (95%CI: 1.05-1.08) in involvement in fights with firearms and cold steel weapons, respectively. Domestic violence increased in all the capital cities. In 96.3%, 70.4%, and 62.9% of the capital cities, respectively, there were increases in verbal bullying and involvement in fights with cold steel weapons and firearms, while there were stationary trends in the other capital cities. There was an upward trend in these forms of violence in the majority of the capital cities, evidencing the need to implement public policies to mitigation the different types of violence among adolescents.

Resumen: El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la tendencia temporal de bullying verbal, violencia doméstica e implicación en peleas con armas entre adolescentes en las capitales brasileñas entre 2009 y 2015. Se trata de un estudio de tendencia, usando datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud del Escolar (PeNSE) realizadas en 2009, 2012 y 2015, con escolares del 9º año de enseñanza fundamental, en escuelas públicas y privadas de las 26 capitales del país y Distrito Federal. Se analizó la ocurrencia de violencia doméstica, de bullying verbal, así como la implicación en peleas con uso de armas blancas y de fuego durante los 30 días anteriores a la entrevista. Se realizó una regresión logística ajustada para características sociodemográficas y comportamentales, con análisis de cada tipo de violencia en Brasil y en las capitales, según el sexo. Las tendencias fueron espacializadas. Para el conjunto de capitales hubo un aumento, entre 2009 y 2015, de un 12% (IC95%: 1,11-1,14) para violencia doméstica, de un 10% (IC95%: 1,08-1,11) para bullying verbal, de un 7% (IC95%: 1,05-1,09) y 7% (IC95%: 1,05-1,08) para implicación en peleas con armas de fuego y blanca, respectivamente. En todas las capitales hubo un aumento de la violencia doméstica. En un 96,3%, 70,4% y 62,9% de las capitales se observó el aumento de bullying verbal, implicación en peleas con armas blancas y de fuego, respectivamente. En las demás capitales, se observó una tendencia estacionaria. Se identificó una tendencia de aumento de la violencia en la mayoría de las capitales, mostrando la necesidad de implementación de políticas públicas que contribuyan a la minimización de los diferentes tipos de violencia entre los adolescentes.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Domestic Violence/trends , Domestic Violence/statistics & numerical data , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Schools/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Urban Population , Brazil , Alcohol Drinking , Illicit Drugs , Residence Characteristics , Health Surveys , Adolescent Behavior , Weapons , Cigarette Smoking
Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 36(3): 329-336, jul.-set. 2018. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-977055


RESUMO Objetivo: Traduzir e adaptar para o português brasileiro um questionário para avaliação das provocações durante a prática de atividades físicas/esportivas para utilização com a população adolescente. Métodos: O processo foi conduzido em seis etapas: quatro traduções, elaboração de uma versão sintética, duas retrotraduções, avaliação por um comitê de especialistas, teste da versão pré-final com a população-alvo e apresentação da versão final ao comitê de especialistas. Participaram do teste da versão pré-final 38 adolescentes com idades de 11 a 18 anos, estudantes do sexto ano do ensino fundamental ao terceiro ano do ensino médio em uma escola pública de Santa Catarina. Resultados: As etapas foram seguidas rigorosamente, e a partir delas surgiram necessidades de alteração no instrumento. As questões foram modificadas de acordo com as divergências observadas nas retrotraduções, as sugestões realizadas pelos especialistas para melhoria da compreensão e/ou clareza e baseadas nos apontamentos dos adolescentes participantes do teste da versão pré-final. Conclusões: O instrumento foi traduzido para o português e adaptado para o contexto brasileiro, conforme a realidade e a cultura de adolescentes de 11 a 18 anos, apresentando dificuldades de compreensão para faixas etárias menores.

ABSTRACT Objective: To translate and adapt a questionnaire aimed to evaluate teasing during the practice of physical/sports activities in the adolescent population. Methods: The whole process had six stages: four translations, elaboration of a synthesis version, two back-translations, evaluation by a committee of experts, test of pre-final version with the target population, and presentation of final version to a committee of experts. Thirty-eight adolescents aged between 11 and 18 years participated in the pre-final version test, all of them from the 6th grade of elementary school to senior year of high school in a public school of the state of Santa Catarina. Results: The steps were strictly followed and then the need for change in the instrument emerged. The questions were altered according to discrepancies observed in back-translations, as well as suggestions by specialists to improve understanding and/or clarity and notes of adolescents participating in the pre-final test. Conclusions: The instrument was translated into Portuguese and adapted to the Brazilian context according to the reality and culture of adolescents aged 11 to 18 years old, with possible understanding failures in younger age groups.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Sports , Exercise , Adolescent Behavior , Self Report , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Translations , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cultural Characteristics
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 23(7): 2433-2441, jul. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-952713


Abstract Previous studies have reported a relationship between being a victim of bullying, but no studies have been carried out with Mexican students; notwithstanding the high scores of bullying in Mexico in international rankings. The objective of this study was to analyze the association between being a victim of bullying and lower HRQoL among schoolchildren and adolescents in Mexico. This cross-sectional and correlational study involved 2225 students from 22 elementary, middle and high schools. HRQoL was assessed with the KIDSCREEN-10 questionnaire and bullying with the social adaptation dimension of KIDSCREEN-52. Bivariate associations were evaluated, and a multivariate logistic regression was utilized. The prevalence of victims of bullying was 17.3%. Being a victim of bullying was double the risk of having a lower HRQoL than not being a victim after adjusting for health perception, gender and age, OR 2.3 (1.7-3.1). As the Wilson and Cleary Model of Quality of Life explains, individual characteristics, such as, being a victim of bullying are associated with quality of life. Similar findings in the existing literature imply that bullying is a global phenomenon that impacts the victimized child or adolescent's life in different ways.

Resumo Pesquisas prévias informaram que ser vítima de "bullying" se associa à menor Qualidade de Vida Relacionada com a Saúde (QVRS); mas nenhuma foi realizada em estudantes Mexicanos apesar dos altos índices de "bullying" mostrados para o México nos rankings internacionais. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a associação entre ser vítima de "bullying" e QVRS. Este estudo transversal e de correlação incluiu 2225 crianças e adolescentes de 22 escolas de nível básico, médio básico e médio superior. A QVRS foi avaliada com o questionário KIDSCREEN-10 e o "bullying" com a dimensão de aceitação social do KIDSCREEN-52. Analisaram-se as associações bivariadas, verificou-se confusão e interação, e utilizou-se regressão logística multivariável. A prevalência de vítimas de "bullying" foi de 17.3%. Ser vítima de "bullying" obteve um risco de mais do dobro de QVRS inferior que não ser vítima, depois de ajustar pela percepção de saúde, gênero e idade, OR 2.3 (1.7-3.1). No mesmo sentido que o referido pelo Modelo de Wilson e Cleary, em estudantes mexicanos com características individuais como ser vítima de "bullying", associam-se à QVRS, descoberta similar ao encontrado na literatura existente o que implica que o "bullying" é um fenômeno global que se reflete em diferentes aspectos da vida em crianças e adolescentes vitimizados.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Quality of Life , Students/statistics & numerical data , Crime Victims/statistics & numerical data , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Schools , Social Adjustment , Students/psychology , Logistic Models , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Bullying/psychology , Mexico
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 89(3): 352-360, jun. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-959533


INTRODUCCIÓN: Niños y adolescentes experimentan su bienestar cada día más relacionado con internet y las nuevas tecnologías digitales. El objetivo del manuscrito es describir la presencia de Ciberbullying (acoso o agresión entre menores o pares en internet), Sexting (difundir intimidad sexual) y Groo ming (engaño online a menores de edad por parte de adultos) en los estudiantes en Chile según sexo y tipo de administración escolar. SUJETOS Y MÉTODO: Estudio de carácter exploratorio y descriptivo. El diseño muestral fue no probabilístico por cuotas en 60 establecimientos de carácter transaccional. La muestra se ponderó considerando rango de edad y sexo según datos nacionales. Se aplicó el Cuestionario de Alfabetización Digital "Divergente-SerDigital" (2010) a una muestra de 12.926 estudiantes, rango de edad: 5 a 18 años. 4.790 hombres y 8.136 mujeres. Edad promedio 13,17 años. Se analizaron frecuencias y se utilizó el estadístico de contraste Chi cuadrado para determinar diferencias estadísticamente significativas. RESULTADOS: El ítem Grooming total (engaño) se presenta como el principal riesgo, 12,6% en Colegios Municipales (CM), 8,2% en Colegios Particulares Subvencionados (CPS) y 8,4% Colegios Particulares Privados (CPP). Al considerar el sexo se observa Grooming principal mente en Hombres, 20,4% en CM, 19,9% CPS y 16,9% CPP. Destaca que las Mujeres realizan menos Ciberbullying (activo) según administración escolar con 4,2% en CM, 2,4% CPS y 2,6% CPP, con diferencias estadísticamente significativa (p < 0,05) en relación a los Hombres. Además destaca el indicador Sexting (enviar) en Hombres, más alto en los CPP con 10,6%. CONCLUSIÓN: Los riesgos Grooming, Ciberbullying y Sexting se presentan en los tres tipos de administración con características específicas. Estos datos pueden ser guía del trabajo en promoción y prevención como en la tematización de casos según tipo de administración escolar.

INTRODUCTION: Children, teenagers and young men are increasingly experiencing their well-being related to the internet and the new digital technologies. The objective of this study is to describe the presence of Cyberbullying, Sexting and Grooming in students in Chile according to gender and type of school management or administrative dependency. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: Exploratory and descriptive study. The sample design was non-probabilistic by quotas in 60 transactional establish ments. The sample was weighted considering the age range and gender according to national data. The Digital Literacy Questionnaire "Divergente-SerDigital" (2010) was applied to a sample of 12,926 students, aged 5 to 18 years. 4,790 men and 8,136 women. Average age 13.17 years. Frequencies were analyzed and the Chi-squared contrast statistic was used to determine statistically significant differences. RESULTS: The item Total Grooming (cheating) is presented as the main risk, 12.6% in municipal dependent schools (MDS), 8.2% in subsidized private schools (SPS), and 8.4% in private schools (PS). When considering gender, Grooming is observed mainly in Men, 20.4% in MDS, 19.9% in SPS and, 16.9% in PS. It is noteworthy that Women perform less Cyberbullying (active) according to school administration with 4.2% in MDS, 2.4% in SPS and, 2.6% in PS, with statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in relation to Men. It also highlights the indicator Sexting (send) in Men, higher in PS with 10.6%. CONCLUSION: Grooming, Cyberbullying and Sexting risks are presented in the three types of administration with specific characteristics. These data can be a guide to work in promotion and prevention as well as in the schematization of cases according to type of school administration.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Schools/organization & administration , Sexual Harassment/statistics & numerical data , Internet , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Text Messaging/statistics & numerical data , Chile , Sex Factors
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 116(2): 216-226, abr. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-887463


Introducción. La intimidación entre pares tiene consecuencias inmediatas y a largo plazo, ya que afecta la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud de los niños. El objetivo fue analizar la asociación entre la frecuencia, el tipo y la dinámica de la participación del niño/a en situaciones de intimidación y su rendimiento académico durante el ciclo lectivo. Métodos. Estudio longitudinal realizado en 2015, en niños/as de 9-12 años de edad de escuelas de la ciudad de Bahía Blanca. Variables: participaciones de los niños/as en situaciones de intimidaciones, sostenimiento de la participación de la intimidación y rendimiento académico. Se obtuvieron las categorías de intimidación a través del cuestionario Preconcepciones de Intimidación y Maltrato entre Iguales (PRECONCIMEI) y el rendimiento académico a partir de las calificaciones de cada niño/a. Resultados. Se incluyeron 375 niños/as, de los cuales un 22,1% (83/375) tuvo una participación sostenida y el 30,12% (113/375) tuvo una participación episódica en situaciones de intimidación (20,27% [76/375] refirieron participar al final del año cuando al comienzo no lo hacían y 9,85% [37/375] presentó el comportamiento inverso). No se detectaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas, independientemente de la asignatura evaluada. Se hallaron mejoras en las calificaciones, hacia finales del ciclo lectivo, en todos los grupos evaluados. Conclusiones. No se halló asociación entre la intimidación y el rendimiento académico

Introduction. Bullying among peers has immediate and long-term consequences, as it affects children's health-related quality of life. The aim was to examine the association between the frequency, type and dynamics of children's involvement in bullying situations and their academic performance over the school year.Methods. Longitudinal study conducted in 2015 in 9 to 12 year-olds in schools of Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Outcome measures: children's involvement in bullying situations, frequency of participation in bullying and academic performance. Bullying categories were obtained through the Preconceptions of Bullying and Intimidation Among Peers (PRECONCIMEI) questionnaire and academic performance as reflected by each child's school grades.Results. The survey included 375 children, of which 22.1% (83/375) were repeatedly involved and 30.12% (113/375) were occasionally involved in bullying situations (20.27% [76/375] reported having participated by the year end but not at the beginning, and 9.85% [37/375] showed the opposite behavior). No statistically significant differences were found, regardless of the course subject analyzed. Grades were found to have improved by school year-end, in all groups assessed. Conclusions. No association was found between bullying and academic performance

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Students/psychology , Attitude , Bullying/psychology , Academic Performance/statistics & numerical data , Prospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Bullying/statistics & numerical data
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 23(3): 751-761, Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-890555


Resumo Este estudo apreendeu o significado do bullying para estudantes e contribui com a abordagem da saúde do escolar. Objetivou-se conhecer as dimensões de concepções de estudantes sobre o bullying. Participaram 55 adolescentes de 11 escolas públicas, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas. A análise dimensional foi utilizada no tratamento dos dados e se construiu uma matriz com as dimensões identificadas. A Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados foi adotada como referencial metodológico e teórico. Os adolescentes conhecem as principais dimensões do bullying, mas o explicam de forma descritiva e numa perspectiva individual. As dimensões identificadas foram: tipo, natureza, exemplos, motivação e consequências. O tipo de violência foi a dimensão com maior poder explicativo em relação às demais, sobressaindo-se o tipo verbal e suas diferentes formas de manifestação. Aspectos da literatura que definem o bullying foram identificados no conjunto, indicando a difusão do tema, sua ocorrência e apreensão pelos estudantes. O caráter inovador do estudo se centra na identificação das dimensões presentes nas narrativas dos estudantes brasileiros sobre o bullying, abordagem que contribui com a organização dos programas de cuidado e intervenção em diferentes áreas.

Abstract This study unveils the meaning attributed by students to bullying and contributes to the approach of student health. The objective was to identify the dimensions of the conceptions of students regarding bullying. A total of 55 students from 11 public schools participated by answering semi-structured interviews. Dimensional analysis was used to treat data and a matrix was constructed with the dimensions identified. The Grounded Theory was adopted as the methodological and theoretical framework. The adolescents were aware of the main dimensions of bullying but explained it descriptively and from individual perspectives. The following dimensions were identified: type, nature, examples, motivation and consequences. The type of violence was a dimension with greater explanatory power in relation to the remaining dimensions. Verbal violence and its different manifestations stood out. Aspects of the literature that define bullying were identified, indicating how the topic is diffused, its occurrence and how it is understood by students. The innovative nature of this study is its focus on the identification of the dimensions of bullying present in the narrative of Brazilian students. It is an approach that contributes to the organization of healthcare programs and interventions in different fields.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Students/psychology , Violence/legislation & jurisprudence , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Motivation , Schools , Violence/psychology , Brazil/epidemiology , Interviews as Topic , Surveys and Questionnaires , Grounded Theory
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 23(1): 123-140, Jan. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-890492


Resumo Bullying e uso de substâncias psicoativas são fenômenos prevalentes entre adolescentes e apontados como problemas de saúde que podem comprometer o desenvolvimento de todos os envolvidos. Esse estudo de revisão sistemática da literatura pretendeu identificar em que medida o envolvimento em situações de bullying e uso de substâncias psicoativas na adolescência se associam, além de verificar se há diferenças em relação ao papel social do bullying. A partir da busca de artigos empíricos publicados entre janeiro de 2009 e dezembro de 2014, em sete bases de dados eletrônicas, foram identificados 585 registros. Aplicados os critérios de inclusão e de exclusão, restaram 40 estudos que foram analisados a partir do seu delineamento, características da amostra e resultados obtidos sobre a relação entre bullying e uso de substâncias psicoativas. A maioria dos estudos é de delineamento quantitativo transversal, com amostras mistas, de meninos e meninas, sendo a escola o local onde esses fenômenos têm sido preferencialmente estudados. Evidenciou-se associação entre perpetração de bullying e uso de substâncias para adolescentes de ambos os sexos. Em relação à vitimização por bullying, não foi possível precisar a direção e a caracterização da relação com o uso de substâncias.

Abstract Bullying and psychoactive substance abuse are prevalent phenomena among adolescents and identified as health problems that may jeopardise the development of all those involved. This systematic review of the literature aims to identify the extent to which involvement in bullying and psychoactive substance use during adolescence are associated, as well as check for differences regarding the social roles of bullying. From the search for empirical articles published between January 2009 and December 2014 in seven electronic databases, 585 records were identified. After the criteria for inclusion and exclusion were applied, the remaining 40 studies were analyzed based on the design, characteristics of the sample and results of the relationship between bullying and psychoactive substance use. Most studies are quantitative and cross-sectional, and they showed mixed samples of boys and girls in the school environment, which was the place where the phenomena are studied by preference. The association between the perpetration of bullying and psychoactive substance use for adolescents of both sexes is revealed. In relation to victimization by bullying, it was not possible to determine the direction and characterization of the relationship with psychoactive substance use.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Crime Victims/statistics & numerical data , Substance-Related Disorders/epidemiology , Bullying/statistics & numerical data , Psychotropic Drugs/administration & dosage , Psychotropic Drugs/adverse effects , Schools , Prevalence , Adolescent Behavior